Supposedly, fake and dead plants are not feng shui. If you want plants, you must have living ones. I recommend an air plant, and maybe some small bamboo in a vase, caus they are easy to keep alive. I am bad at keeping things alive, but I have had this vase of bamboo I got at Home Depot forever. You only have to add water every couple of weeks, plus the bamboo helps bring together the asian feng shui feeling. Adding a small fountain to your room will also add feng shui. Just do what makes you feel most at ease, cause that is what it is all about. if you feel more comfortable with fake plants than do it, but if you are being strict with the rules of feng shui then don't use fake plants. Research online, how to design a feng shui room, because furniture placement is also very important! Good luck with your room!
Not sure about fake flowers being bad feng shui but I do hate to dust them!
I agree with asia...surround yourself with items that make you feel wonderful. Mirrors, light, pictures, beads and bells--all evoke strong emotions. Don't forget fragrances--they do a lot to make a house a home. If plants make you nervous, I'd go with fiber optics sculptures or something less stressfull like tabletop waterfalls, sand gardens or bowls of pebbles for tabletops, etc.Let us know how it turns out :)
Feng shui is rendered to snake oil in America. Yet the schools of thought, which it offshoot from, has been proven to be connected to studies of cosmology(star orientation) & animal patterning(turtle shell, snake scales) arrangements found in nature, much like Giza pyramid, Latin America pyramids, etc. etc. etc.. It seemed old world civilizations liked to align themselves to the stars as to be in sync with them. In fact, these school came in contact with the magic square of 9, calculus, algorthims(computers) which were all touched on in the pre-Feng Shui parent schools. And which we still use in modern schools, frequently, especially the computer - a binary algorithm machine.
Maybe setting up your home towards these ancient derived calculations, could set up your life to become a more structured living? what do I know. In the end, we may never know what the purpose of Feng Shui was.. maybe a lifestyle, geared towards education.
Fake plants don't give off oxygen. Oxygen when in sufficient supply does become toxic towards certain bacteria/viruses in our bodies. Tell you the truth practicality should be your agenda. Even if you have all real plants, if you don't take care of your responsibilities, that is a lot of mess for city dwellers.
i work for a feng shui consultant
objects affect feng shui, there is nothing to do with fake or real plants (they may both be beneficial or not beneficial for your house). its about what kind of energy the object emits and how its energy affects the energy dynamics of your house
if the plants are the cause of your problems, you may have placed them at an area of earth foundation. possibly the north east, southwest or center. however the plants my not be the cause of your may be that your house has a bad feng shui orientationit is true that in fengshui, live plants is better than dead plants or plastic. but in fengshui the emphasis is not on the material but o the calculation based on a certain theory or technique. it is about the 360 degrees and how to optimize an area using fengshui theories. it is not about when you put a dead plant here fengshui is not good, while putting a live plant everything will be okay. it is about calculating where in the house is the good energy combination and where is the bad energy combination, then how do you utilize these areas to enhance your life. so, that your life will be more relaxed, because things just go into place while you achieve your gols easier.
Basics of Feng Shui or fengshui
* Literally wind-water.
* Pronounced: foong shway or fung shway.
* A form of geomancy.
* Rules in Chinese philosophy that govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to patterns of yin and yang and the flow of energy (qi).
* Chinese practice of arranging of space and elements to achieve the greatest harmony and balance with the environment.
* This ancient Chinese science practice of design, placement, proportion is estimated to be more than three thousand years old.
Now your question and some simple answer for you.
Fake flowers and plants = not living objects. However can gather negative or positive energy from the environment. Where you place your fake flowers? If near to the toilet, will gather negative energy. If near happy people always, will gather positive energy. If place at location which is not auspicious at your house, gather negative energy, if place at auspicious place, gather positive energy.
Rule of thumb, don't simply listen to others when it comes to fengshui, should check on your own. A great guru of fengshui once said, "your compass is your friend when you want to learn about fengshui".
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