Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Can anyone recommend a book on colors and how they effect our moods?

I've started studying home decor, and I know that colors effect our moods. I'm not so much into the Feng Shui, but probably more along the lines of color psychology.
I listened to a speaker from Pantone at the local college a couple years ago. It was very interesting as she went through all the colors and how the effect us. I couldn't remember the name of the book so I looked it up, it is "Colors for your every mood". There are a couple other books listed on their site but this is the one that the speaker mentioned. Hope this helps, you might see if it is at your local library to check it out first.

You can also go to the website www.pantone.com ( click on "paint and interiors", and then you are going to scroll down and see color inspiration on the left side, click on "the many moods of color" and they have a list of all the colors and if you click on them it will give you more detailed information.

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