Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Have you ever been to a place that completly follows the principales of feng shui?

have you ever been to a place that completly follows the principales of feng shui?
fengshui is not a belief: you do not have to believe it for it to work.fengshui is not a decorating tool: fengshui is a compilation of concepts used to measure and calculate direction and location of good energy or bad energy in our environment. it is precise and accurate.fengshui does enhance our luck. it can enhance our health or our wealth luck, but usually not both. my master always remind us to always go for the money. because if you get sick, you always have money to make you better.there are no principles in fengshui, only different concepts, each using a system. fengshui is meticulous. it is not clean the clutter and you are done!as i said, to do fengshui, you need to calculate where the good and bad areas in your house. then distribute the different rooms based on fengshui. for the good areas, you need to use them; for the bad areas, you need to leave them alone - you can put the toilet, storage room, or garage here. and double check with the other concept, if this arrangement is good for you. because other systems don't usually go hand in hand with other concepts. so you need to double check. it is better to have your solution/ arrangement supported by 2 or more concept.fengshui is not putting an aquarium and you activate the room. because water can also activate the bad energy in the room. and knowing if the room has good or bad energy needs calculation than intuition. fengshui does not need intuition to do.

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