Sunday, March 2, 2008

Why qi-wish feng shui talk to much global warming but not real act ?

qi-wish talk to much science of fengshui but read this question
where is feng shui real environmental laboratory ?
Show me if fengshui numenorologi is real corespondence to nature (not push feng shui doctrine to people) ?
Show me if chi energi (sheng chi and sha chi) is exist in nature ?
Show me in straight empirical science report ? date, laboratory, regular independent journal (not sales promote) etc ?
where is the real feng shui environmental project ?
Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble, Hewlett-Packard and Ford Motors are also using feng shui, i think it's not real enviromental project ? it's kind of sales project ? Do you know all industry give enviromental more and more damage, so what's can you say abaut this case ?
China, Hongkong, Singapore & other country have loss million dollar by avian flu, so what's kind lucky (hoki) in this case ?
i think qi wish feng shui & her book & her web just sale fengshui to sound like real science but talk not serious or real science contexs

Sorry, I found your question a little hard to follow but I gather you don't believe that Feng Shui is an actual 'prescription' for curing environmental issues or improving energy, removing stagnation etc.
It is the art of is actually a very common sense approach to improving the environment around you...not necessarily the environment as it relates to global warming or weather conditions of any sort.
The Chi is an energy force that is said to flow through rooms, buildings, surroundings etc. It isn't a true wind but a belief that a source of energy (lack of entrapment) exists in homes, offices, buildings where furnishings and objects are placed in such a way as to allow this 'flow' to run freely thus energizing those who are in that particular room, office, building etc.
Much of Feng Shui is a mental thing, an acceptance that a non-cluttered, free moving area brings about a serene, calm and functional place to work, sleep, eat...there are those who use this as a way to produce income, some use it wisely, some not.
I've practiced this for a number of years now and to be quite honest, I've found it just a very common sense thing to home is almost always a very serene, calm place and I can tell when something has piled up somewhere, gotten misplaced or moved etc because dependent upon were the mess might be situated, the effects are felt by us. A mess in our Relationship corner will suddenly show up in quarrels between siblings. A sudden outgo of money will show up if the toilet seat is left up with the bathroom door wide open (money down the toilet).
Since placing money items in our wealth corner, our income has been a constant flow...dividends, inheritance, increases in pay etc.
It's what you believe that works...if you are positive in this approach, you will find things beginning to work in your favor, if you aren't positive then you'll scoff at all things that take place and of course your life will have the proof of that.
If you don't mind living in a home or working in an office where piles upon piles of stuff are scattered about, disorganized, cluttered and causing claustrophobia...then you don't need to worry about Feng Shui, nor do you have to believe in it. But, if you want order in your life, calm, enjoyable atmosphere...then common sense dictates clean up your room/house/office and you'll find yourself more productive, less stressed and more able to meet the challenges of the day.
All common sense, no science, no magic...plain, simple neatness in just the right place and the right way.

Practiced Feng Shui for years and life improvements are beyond any expectations I had...I personally would not have my home any other way...

Please focus your question ?
You must isolate some thing, I Ching not Fengshui, Yin-Yang is not feng shui, Fengshui not only talk wind-water, the focus debate are numenorology (8 Mansion-gua year born, flaying star, the occult mathematics ) and chi.
Fengshui is fengshui not all.
Fengshui just one of a kind interpretation of I Ching & Ying Yang.Fengshui is kind of pollution material what have harm destroyed interpretation to greath wisdom I Ching & Yin Yang.
Feng shui has many school, every school are fight each other...I agree form school is just common sense not all
Someone who hate numenorology fengshui but still love I-Ching or Yin-Yang Philosophy. Look this statement :Chen Zhihua, professor at Tsinghua University :....."Feng shui is no science. It only fills the wallets of some charlatans," but looks...he said........I agree that I-Ching carries the great wisdom of our ancestors.
you wrote :
Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble, Hewlett-Packard and Ford Motors are also using feng shui, i think it's not real enviromental project ? it's kind of sales project ? Do you know all industry give enviromental more and more damage, so what's can you say abaut this case ?China, Hongkong, Singapore & other country have loss million dollar by avian flu, so what's kind lucky (hoki) in this case ?
My answer : I am sure that fengshui does not work to protect all disaster and disease, in the all country that owning famous fengshui master. Every body hope lucky but they getting million tragedy.
I am sad if some one hate numenorolgy fengshui then hate I Ching and Yin Yang's harmfull misunderstanding at's cause by fengshui we must separate at all.....
I Ching and Yin Yang philosophy is greath wisdom...every one need knows how....

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